Bulk Handling Conveyors


Roller conveyors are, as their title suggests, powered via a shaft beneath the rollers. When the shaft is powered, the rotating of the rollers pushes the product along the conveyor. Roller conveyors are, as their title suggests, powered via a shaft beneath the rollers. When the shaft is powered, the rotating of the rollers pushes the product along the conveyor. Roller conveyors are, as their title suggests, powered via a shaft beneath the rollers. When the shaft is powered, the rotating of the rollers pushes the product along the conveyor.


Roller conveyors are, as their title suggests, powered via a shaft beneath the rollers. When the shaft is powered, the rotating of the rollers pushes the product along the conveyor.

Industry Served

Belt conveyors are used in wide range of industries wherever the application is to transport bulk materials for example in Indutries like Steel where Iron Ore, Coal, Lime etc.. needs to be transported in pellet, lumps or powder forms. We supply Belt conveyors to industries viz., Power plants, Steel plants, Cement, Minning, Aluminum Industry etc..

Capacity and Capability

We are capable of manufacturing both long distance and short distance conveyor. Also High angle conveyors, Reversible conveyors, Side Wall Types etc.. are Designed and Manufactured at our works.

Belt Width: – 400 mm to 2200 mm (Flat and Troughed angle)

Capacity: – upto 2000 TPH

Since Belt conveyor has lot of Bought out items, the parts like Idler Assembly, Pullies, Takeups, Drive frames, Chutes, Skirt board, Deck Plates etc.. are manufactured inhouse.

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